Message a Day


Special Option to listen in on our conference line to ALL the Los Angeles events for only $20.00. You can read about what's included here. Once you make your payment, fill in the form on the right and you will be notified of the conference call numbers within 6 hours (at the latest) of the scheduled event.




Your contribution gives you access
to all of the following (15 hours of
intensive connection)

Feb 14th, Sunday afternoon
2pm - 2:45 pm PST
- Live public
presentation at the Conscious
Life Expo in Los Angeles

Feb 20th Saturday afternoon -
live workshop in West 
Saturday evening - 7-9 pm live
channeling West Los Angeles
(Special: High probability of
Daphne partaking)

Feb 21st Sunday afternoon 1-6pm
live workshop in Pasadena
Sunday evening 7-9 pm live
channeling in Pasadena 
(again high probability of Daphne



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