Message a Day































































































































































































































































Los Angeles Schedule - Wynn Free - February 14th - 21st






























Ten minute Youtube introduction to Wynn

Youtube video of excerpts from Wynn's book;"Questions and Answers with the Council of Elohim"

                  Los Angeles Schedule:

Public Presentation

Conscious Life Expo    Feb 14th 2pm LAX Hilton
Wynn will do a quick overview of his work, and tell the story of how, while he was writing The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce in 2002, he was contacted by an inter-dimensional Source that identified itself as the Council of Elohim (the alleged creators of this realm), and was invited to ask them questions. He will be sharing a cursory understanding of the period we are in based on his 8 years of dialogues with the Elohim and his study of the channelings of David Wilcock, the subject of his book.

Workshop and Live Channeling

February 20th Saturday 1-6 pm - workshop in West Los Angeles at 8885 West Venice Blvd. Suite 205G at the meeting room in the office of Dr. Sergei/Holistic Health. This is one block from National Blvd. and there is plenty of street parking. $35.00 (Saturday option 1)

February 20th  6-7 pm dinner break with Wynn and Terry at a local restaurant

February 20th Saturday 7-9 pm -
a live channeling with Terry Brown and our Sources. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions. You must have attended the earlier workshop, read our books, or have participated on our conference calls to attend this channeling. $25.00 (Saturday option 2)

Preregister discount - attend both sessions above for $50.00 Saturday option 3)

Note: This West LA location holds only 25 people and it will very likely sell out. It is recommended that you pre register early.  

February 21st Sunday - 1-6 pm - Workshop in Pasadena at Vrooman's bookstore meeting room (In the building immediately east of the bookstore) 695 E. Colorado Blvd. Tel: 626-449-5320  - $35.00 (Sunday option 1)

February 21st 6-7 pm dinner break with Wynn and Terry at a local restaurant

February 21st Sunday - 7-9 pm - live channeling with Terry Brown at same location as above. - $25.00 (Sunday option 2)

Vrooman's has a huge parking lot behind the store.

Again you can preregister for both sessions with a ten dollar discount for $50.00 (Sunday option 3)


More Information about the workshop and live channeling:

Workshop : As a result of Wynn's numerous dialogues with his Sources, his cross referencing of outside information, and the study of David Wilcock's channelings, he has access to understandings about the current period which are not readily available.  This is not your typical new age perspective and it ties in with the Mayan calendar end date of 2012, the prophecies and real mission of Jesus,  and even the work of David Icke.

He was a physics major at UC Berkeley and he tells his story and presents his case in an intelligent and convincing manner which does not encourage blind belief.

The most important aspect of attending one of Wynn's workshops is the experience of the energy which is present in the room. The Sources who have introduced themselves to Wynn in the channellings have indicated that they have the ability to "beam" love light into the physical realm. During Wynn's public workshops many participants experience this energy. Many have had profound personal transformations and some have even had healings as a result of their connection with the energies of these higher dimensional Sources. You can read some of the testimonies at the bottom of the page from people who have attended Wynn's events. Here's some highlights of things which will be covered:

1. The compelling series of events and sychroncities in Wynn's life which convinced him it was real and the overwhelming evidence that David Wilcock was Edgar Cayce and the same Source who communicated through Cayce has communicatedd through Wilcock.

2. An introduction and understanding of the two group souls who have been actings as guides and helpers for the history of humankind and oftentimes identified as God.

3. An understanding of who the negative is in the other realms and how they have obstructed the evolution of humans.

4. An understanding of the relationship between DNA and expanded consciousness and the keys to opening up your DNA.

5. How to discern what's positive and negative. The negative can and does masquerade as the positive. Many new age people and others are constantly exposed to negative sources and many are being mislead. Connecting with the energy negative source can lead to having your soul energy controlled by that source when you pass this realm. Learn the criteria for making your own evaluations.

6. Although most of us are blocked by the "veil" from directly remembering our past lives, the cosmologies presented by Wynn have the ability to awaken cellular memories and healings because an awareness can occur on an unconscious level below the level of our consciousness which can trigger the release of ancient miasms. 

6. A demonstration of bringing in the love/light energies from our Sources into the room, which many attendees will feel.

7. An introduction to all the free support systems available to you via Wynn's work.


The evening channelling session -
The channelling sessions presented by Wynn and Terry are quite unique in that the Source  which is projecting love light energy into the room is combined with their intelligent communication. If our Sources are who they say they are, this is an opportunity to engage with what might be the highest possible inter-dimensional Source in this realm. You can decide this for yourself by your own experience and consideration.

Terry is an extremely dedicated being with a very high intent to be of service. There are strong indications that she may be a current incarnation of Saint Catheryn of Siena, officially recognized by the Catholic Church for her ability to channel God. You can read the story at this link.

The most important aspect of making a strong connection with the energy of our Sources is that it can greatly be of assistance in helping you get off the wheel of reincarnation. When you leave this realm, you go to what your energy is connected with. If you're energy is connecting to things of the earth plane, you'll end up reincarnating. If you're energy is connecting with energies outside of this realm, then your karmic ties to this realm can be released. The Elohim  have explained that they are the dispensers of what the Christians term "grace".

There will be a chance  to ask questions at this session .

If Wynn is, in fact, communicating with the intelligence that created this realm, this is a rare opportunity. We hope you can attend.       

Comments from participants who have attended Wynn's events, subscribed to Message a Day, and/or read his materials:

Just to let you know, that when they said that they were sending energy to get  the process of the ear healing, I noticed a definite change in the sound and level of the hiss/ringing. Truly amazing!!  - Gary Johnson

"I can honestly say I have never in my life felt that kind of energy, love, compassion, and wisdom, flowing so freely in one place before. It was beyond my wildest expectations. it has changed my life forever. I didn't want to leave that
night, but I also knew I needed to release a lot of stuff, and didn't want to burden the wonderful people who were there. I wept for over an hour in my room that night.  If I would have read your material I would have thought, cool, that 's pretty neat. However after experiencing and feeling the energy and the love, WOW!!!" - Doug, Racine, Wi

"I had surgery on my toe (elective) last Feb.8th. Every since then my foot, ankle and leg have been in increasing trouble with the threat that the problem might be something serious like a blood clot loose in my veins or arteries. My foot and ankle were pitifully swollen and hurt so much it was difficult to walk. I was in a cast and boot and in a wheelchair for three months. I was having physical therapy 3 times a week.
My therapist and orthopedic doctor can confirm that I was in terrible shape. I went to bed after the phone call with your conference line. When I got up in the morning I had one stabbing, burning pain in my groin and thereafter not one more. My foot was normal looking for the first time in four months and so was my ankle and leg. The pain in my groin has not come back."

"I was then completely cured of breast cancer the day I was on your conference call. On the day of surgery the doctor found the MRI to show me as being cancer free Oncologist made the decision for me to endure 6 weeks of radiation to be
certain my cancer was gone. The time came for me to see the Senior Oncologist to put me on the medication that ' s standard  practice for breast cancer survivor's to take for 5 years after their radiation. She agreed with my surgeon that my
cancer was detected early and found at the time of the biopsy. I then shared with her that I had asked for a miracle to be cancer free prior to my MRI. She lovingly put closure on my cancer by validating that I indeed did have a miracle and made
the decision that it wasn't necessary to medicate me." - Lucy

"Not only has the book clearly answered questions such as why we are here, and what we are to do while we are here; it has also quenched and fulfilled an age old thirst and unfathomable
hunger that has been with me since I can first remember, asking my mother at four years of age "If God made us, who made God?.........Ten stars for author Wynn Free on The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce as this book has removed this
reviewer ' s fear of death and has opened her heart to the most profound source of love and light she has ever experienced. May it do this and more for all who open it's pages"... Maryel Mckinley, syndicated book reviewer

"After just having lost a beautiful daughter, who has an advanced soul, the message felt like it was directed at me. It is the sort of message so many could receive comfort from, since so many people are going through some very rough times these days."

"Thank you so sincerely for the workshop you held. So many doubts and confusions were cleared up for me yesterday. Sometimes from the information you gave which rang so true to me during the workshop...sometimes later as an insight that would pop into my head about something I may have thought about for years! What a gift yesterday to get a resonance experience first and then my mind getting that order. (It's a lot less work!) I slept so well last night! I am so looking forward to the continuation of this "learning process". Thank you again for your tenacity in getting this information out."

My response to these messages?.fantastic, awesome, and they so resonate with my inner knowing! There is no doubt these are vital messages you are sharing. Blessings to you for your work and your sharing with all that are awake and ready to hear. I look forward each day to your writings. I am sharing also with the spiritual groups I am involved in - well received! You are doing a great service, thank you from all of us.
Your daily message series is one of the best gifts I have ever received. This information answers much of my heart's lifelong searching. I feel like I have been waiting for a very very long time to receive this nourishment for my soul.

It has expanded my knowledge and comprehension of the makeup of Creation.

Completely changed my life. Now I understand what I've always felt and understood but couldn't articulate. I understand my purpose here now. Everything finally makes sense.

Some of the most lucid and loving spiritual advice wisdom I have ever read.

The true mastery of "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce: Interdimensional Communication and Global Transformation" lies in the skill with which author Wynn Free weaves the disparate threads of Cayce's readings and life, David Wilcock's biography and channelings (including the revelation, from Ra himself, that he is Cayce reborn), and Rueckert's Law of One material into a single, tight braid that convincingly intertwines to reveal behind the many faces a single voice, the voice of Ra, calling Humanity to awaken.� - Chris Tannalund

I have almost finished reading your book and am so blown away is the most informative and enlightening book I've read so far on human evolution and planetary changes. ---- Sabina

the Book is thoughtful and precise, it sticks to the job of convincing and does it well. It is filled with good scientific facts backed up by modern academic research from a wide international field of the highest calibre and the way the story is told he brings a new dimension to Darwins Theory of Evolution on a Spiritual level.

Now working with energy myself and being sensitive - i was aware of a positive vibratory rate in my body, which is still here. To me it is the energy of a healing session or an attunement. Also happened to do a healing session the next day on my neighbor and Im sure the receiver felt that energy. She was delightfully rested and cheerful afterwards. As such, I would like to know more about the energy transmitted and the clearing i felt occur on the call. It was so quick and transforming.

It's clear wynn why you've been chosen to do this. your intelligence, clearity, love and passion has made you such a wonderful choice. i just want you to know how much i appreciate everything your doing.

I just experienced this call with you and I feel wonderful that with all the fear that is being planted right now you are replacing it with LOVE and an intention to heal the earth and all beings on earth. WOW!!!!! You truly are a blessing for this planet. I also feel that these words I am sending do not even express all the love energies, healing and the great good that are coming as the result of this experience.
I must thank you again for the wonderful Sunday morning sharing with you and Terry. I truly feel connected to all there is and there truly is power in numbers. I feel inspired and much more energized after the calls to say the least. I feel that you are assisting many in expanding our spirituality. - Marilyn

From a lady in Turkey who was listening in to a live channeling on a conference line:
I transcribed part of the channeling where they say my name, and exactly as it is said: Betul ("Be" is like in Beth, "tul" is read as tool)

"Making connection to those who that desire it in the audience. We are making connections at this time. We are mindful and experience any connection within Betul's on this time, the love and gentleness of the connection and the very essence of the treasure you each are...."

I resonated so much with you guys since I first listened to you on Linda Panell.
Betul, Turkey

From the first sentence on, I was intrigued by the information that author, Wynn Free had included in this dynamic, leading edge treatise. Not only did he include well documented information to support his hypothesis of David Wilcock as the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, he also included believable information about the ongoing evolution of human spirituality, as well.

I couldn't put the book down! The information resonated as Truth deep within my being as the explanation was given for the rather unique period in the history of humankind we are in. The book explains via both current science and the wise words of David Wilcock's source, the real reason why opening our hearts to unconditional love and compassion is so important in this current period and why it's so important to put our power struggles behind us, and strive for the understanding that "we're all in this together," which is a simple way of expressing the Principle of Oneness.

This important book validates the quest of Divine Emissaries throughout all of Planet Earth's spiritual traditions - that of uplifting humanity to a higher vibration that will guarantee "peace on earth, goodwill toward all planetary citizens."

I invite and encourage you to read Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? and integrate the astounding information it contains into your own evolving spiritual path. The book may be the most important work in contemporary spirituality explaining how to maintain one's connections to divinity on a planet in transition. - Beverly Craig. Senior Minister , Church of Religious Science, La Crescenta, ca .

Special Note:  If you can't make it to these workshops, and you're not already subscribed to Message a Day, we urge you to go to . You'll automatically begin receiving a series of emails with excerpts from transcripts of our channelings, plus invitations to conference calls with live channelings.






A brief introduction to Wynn's work: In the year 2000, Wynn discovered the website of David Wilcock and studied the story of Wilcock's connection with the sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce. He  then began an intensive study of Wilcock's readings and was first introduced to the idea of a "dimensional-shift" which was occurring on planet earth as well as a revolutionary explanation for human soul evolution over many lifetimes. Wynn decided to write a book which would tell the story of the Wilcock/Cayce connection and share the messages of Wilcock's channelings. In 2002, while Wynn  was writing the book, a new personal relationship spontaneously began a communication with him with a voice that identified itself as the Council of Elohim and invited him to ask questions. They explained themselves to be a group soul that was responsible for the creation of our realm.

He was skeptical at first and asked them if they could predict a newspaper headline in advance and they did so successfully. A few months later, he learned that his sister was about to have a critical operation for cancer which she was not expected to survive and he asked this voice if they could help and they said they would. She did survive and had a medical miracle. Not only did her cancer disappear, but her lupus as well. According to the doctors, lupus never goes away.

In these initial dialogues with the Elohim, Wynn asked a series of questions regarding the information about the dimensional shift which he had learned from his study of the Wilcock channelings and got a second opinion from the Elohim with a complete correspondance of data. These communications have been ongoing for 8 years now.  Many people who have studied Wynn's work, have had amazing aha cognitions as many of the mysteries of the spiritual evolution of mankind are being brought forth to the public for the first time.

Wynn Free

with Terry Brown (channel)

sat workshop options
Sunday workshop options

Sunday February 14th Conscious Life Expo - 2pm - LAX Hilton  (purchase tickets at door)

Pre - Purchase Workshop
(Scroll down for locations, workshop details, and option descriptions)
..............Please print copy of receipt if possible
Saturday Feb 20                                      Sunday Feb 21