Current Influences and Inspiring Web Sites
This is the website of David Wilcock, who believes he is a reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. The site has
two distinct flavors. David channels an entity named Ra. Ra delivers some of the wisest most profound
information I have ever been exposed too. Also David has done a lot of research from his conscious
self, as well, on the nature of how our universe works and whats in store for the future. I don't
neccessaarily believe everything he says, but I am willing to consider the possibilities.
This is the website inspired by Drunvalo Malchezadek. It has a wealth of resources
and links to many spiritual sources as well as a subscription only webzine dedicated
to a specific topic each month. I am presently writing articles for this webzine and if
they give me their permission, I have will reprint them on
This is a web version of the monthly newspaper "The Messenger" which is delivered to spiritual book
stores in Southern California each month.. It is published by Joann Turner and I am a monthly
contributor. Joann first saw some poetry that I emailed her, she started to publish my poems and
then she encouraged me to write an article which was a new kind of wrting experience for me. So I
thank her for encouraging me in that area. You can read some of the articles I wrote in the article
section of this site. I'm working on a compilation to be a book called "Escape from the Third
Danny and Jason
These are my two far out nephews who both really responded to my writing about three years
ago when I wasn't sure if I could still write anything relevant to twenty somethings.(or anyone for
that matter). They convinced me that I was. Jason is often putting web sites up of his own music
which I'll be linking to here.
Love and Light Research
This is the website of Jim McCarty and Carla Reuckart who channel very far out information from
other dimensions.Whether you believe that or not, the information stands on its own as extremely
wise and helpful.