Getting Close is Scary*
(c)2001 Wynn Free

Getting close is scary.
I've seen so many examples
Of lovers,
Boyfriends and girlfriends,
Husbands and wives,
Same gender relationships,
Who were not close.
I ask myself,
"How could they commit to each other
Without being close?"
I see many people
With no reference point of experience for "close"
So they settle for security and lust,
And they call this "close."
I get so frustrated
Watching them waste their lives
In their illusary world.
Real love is "close."
It is not suffocating or oppressive,
But expansive and freeing.
I want to be "close" with you.
Don't be afraid.
Take this opportunity
While it's in front of you.
Touch me, I'm real.
Getting "close" is scary.
Being "close" is joy.